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TRACE – Anti Bribery Workshop, Dubai

Published on: 27th October 2016

Casper Shipping were delighted to be invited to participate in the TRACE Certification – Anti Bribery Workshop in Dubai during September.

Working in conjunction with TRACE and the DA Desk, Michael Shakesheff, Managing Director of Casper Shipping was asked to be a panelist at the workshop in Dubai to discuss Casper Shipping’s participation in the Certify the World Campaign which is a joint initiative by TRACE and the DA Desk.

The TRACE Certify the World initiative supports the efforts of companies to advance commercial transparency in their home countries through the completion of The TRACE Certify the World initiative supports the efforts of companies to advance commercial transparency in their home countries through the completion of TRACE certification, a comprehensive due diligence review, analysis and approval process administered by TRACE.

For further information on the Certify the World campaign please visit:

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